Best Relaxing Sleep Meditation – 3 Great Ones

Sleep hygiene is important to maintain good sleep habits. Have you tried sleep meditation? Below are some great tips to get a fantastic night’s sleep.

First, find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You may want to use a pillow or blanket to support your back. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and try to clear your mind of all other thoughts. If you find that your mind is wandering, simply bring your focus back to your breath.

Once you have settled into a comfortable position, begin to focus on a mantra or positive affirmation. Repeat this mantra to yourself over and over again. Some examples of mantras that you may use include: “I am peaceful,” “I am calm,” or “I am relaxed.” Continue repeating your mantra for several minutes.

If you find yourself getting sleepy, that’s okay! Just allow yourself to drift off to sleep. Remember that there is no wrong way to meditate, so do not worry if you cannot clear your mind completely. The goal is simply to relax and let go of all your worries.

How Much Sleep Do We Need?

The number of hours of sleep we need in order to feel well rested varies from person to person. Typically we need 6.5 – 9 hours of sleep each night. This can fluctuate, but you should find the minimum amount of sleep you require each night to feel well rested.

What Can Negatively Impact Sleep?

Some factors that can impact the quality of your sleep include:

  • stress, anxiety, and emotions,
  • long or irregular work hours,
  • environmental factors (noise, light, temperature, etc)
  • medications,
  • alcohol,
  • tinnitus, such as ringing or even music
  • caffeine
  • medical reasons (restless leg syndrome, insomnia, sleep apnea)

Strategies to Improve Your Sleep

  • Schedule some daily physical exercise during the day, make sure to stop 3 – 4 hours before bed time.
  • Set a bed time and stick to it every night.
  • Start an evening routine 1.5 hours before bed to help your body prepare for sleep.
  • Dim the lights in your room.
  • Disengage with electronics.
  • Try writing in a journal for a few minutes in the evening to clear your mind.

Sleep Meditation

A great way to relax and prepare for sleep is to listen to a guided meditation. Here are some great examples:

  • Jason Stephenson sleep meditation for relaxation. This sleep meditation is very soothing to listen to and lasts for 3 hours, plenty of time to fall asleep.
  • Relaxing sleep music with water sounds. Water sounds are incredibly soothing, and this video goes on for 12 hours. These sounds are guaranteed to help you fall asleep and stay asleep.
  • Soft, relaxing sleep music. Calming blend of nature sounds and sleep music.

Melatonin Sleep Aid

For nights when you are really having trouble falling asleep, try taking some melatonin. It is particularly helpful after returning from travel and recovering from jetlag.

Olly sleep gummies. These include melatonin, L-theanine, and botanicals to help get a restful night’s sleep.

Looking for more sleep tips?

Try noise cancelling headphones.

Another option? Hug sleep to help you feel comfortable enough to sleep.

Overall wellness tips for better wellbeing

Try reasons to meditate.

Do you enjoy sleep meditation? Contact us here.

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