How to Clean Hearing Aids: The Ultimate Guide

how to clean hearing aids

If you wear hearing aids, then you know that they need to be cleaned on a regular basis. If not, they can become clogged with wax and debris, which can lead to decreased sound quality and even infection. I’m Dr. Amy, a Doctor of Audiology and expert on hearing aids. In this article, I will provide an in-depth guide on how to clean hearing aids effectively.

How to clean hearing aids: Tips for maintenance

The pieces and parts of the hearing aid that need cleaning will depend a little on the type of hearing aid that you wear. However, there are some tips that can help no matter what style of hearing aid you wear.

-Wipe the hearing aid down with a dry cloth after each use. This will remove any visible dirt and wax.

-Use a soft bristled brush to gently remove any wax buildup from the hearing aid. Make sure to brush around the microphone ports.

-Replace the wax guards on your hearing aid. Reminder: a wax guard is a small white filter than catches wax or debris before it works its way into the hearing aid.

By following these tips, you can keep your hearing aids clean and functioning properly. If you have any questions about hearing aid maintenance, be sure to contact your audiologist.

How often should hearing aids be cleaned?

Hearing aids should be cleaned on a daily basis. This helps to remove any dirt, wax, or debris that may have accumulated on the device. For best results, hearing aids should be cleaned after each use. Wax guards should be replaced every month, but this can vary a little depending on how much wax you produce. If you have any questions about how often you should clean your hearing aids, be sure to ask your audiologist. Thanks for reading!

Does cleaning hearing aids remove all the wax?

No, cleaning hearing aids does not remove all of the wax. However, it does help to reduce the amount of wax buildup on the device. Wax guards should be replaced monthly to help prevent wax from clogging the hearing aid. If you have any questions about how to clean your hearing aids, be sure to ask your audiologist. Thanks for reading!

otoscope looking into an ear canal

What else can I do to keep my hearing aids clean?

In addition to cleaning your hearing aids on a regular basis, there are a few other things you can do to help keep them clean. Use a dehumidifier or hearing aid dryer. This will keep any moisture from building up and wreaking havoc on the hearing devices. Additionally, keep your hearing aids stored in a clean and dry place when you’re not wearing them. This will help to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating on the devices.

If you have rechargeable hearing aids, consider putting some desiccant beads in your charger, if these are not feature of your charger.

See your audiologist for regular clean and checks every 6 months

Staying on top of your hearing aid maintenance ensures that everything stays in good working condition. Additionally, while your hearing aids are still under warranty it is wise to have any parts replaced or sent in for repair. This will also go a long way to stretch the life of your hearing aid. When a hearing aid is maintained, it is more likely to continue working properly for longer.

the best OTC hearing aids

Best OTC Hearing Aids

What is the most common hearing aid repair procedure?

Hearing aid repairs vary based on your specific situation, as well as how to clean hearing aids. For example, if your hearing aid falls into a full bathtub accidentally, it may develop water damage. While a receiver may be more likely to break if it is pulled on too harshly. Generally speaking, the most common hearing aid repair is replacing the wax guard or receiver.

If you have any questions about hearing aid repairs, be sure to ask your audiologist. The best way to keep your hearing aid clean is with regular maintenance. Follow these tips and see your audiologist regularly, and your hearing aids will work for years to come. Thanks for reading!

We hope that this blog post has been helpful in teaching you how to clean your hearing aids effectively and safely. If you have any questions about hearing, leave a comment below!

hearing aid cleaning tips

We hope you’ve enjoyed this post on how to clean hearing aids.

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