What to Know About Hearing Aids

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What to Know About Hearing Aids

If you’re reading this, chances are you or someone you know has trouble hearing. It is helpful to know your options no matter where you are in your journey, it is beneficial to know your options. You’ve probably begun researching hearing aids as a potential solution. But how do hearing aids work, exactly? Let’s break it down: what to know about hearing aids.

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What Are Hearing Aids?

Hearing aids are small electronic devices that are worn in the ear. They amplify sound so people with hearing loss can better understand speech and other sounds. There are two main types of hearing aids: behind-the-ear (BTE)styles and in-the-ear (ITE). BTE hearing aids look different from ITE aids due to the piece behind the ear. ITE aids, on the other hand, are smaller and fit inside the ear canal. There are also several different BTE and ITE aids styles, but we won’t get into that here.

How Do Hearing Aids Work?

The basic premise behind all hearing aids is the same: they amplify sound so that people with hearing loss can better understand speech for better hearing and speech comprehension. But how do they do that? Hearing aids consist of several parts. Let’s look at a summary.

First, the hearing aid receives sound from the environment using a microphone. Next, the microphone converts the sound into electrical signals. Next, the amplifier boosts the electrical signal and sends it to the receiver, which converts it back into sound waves. These sound waves travel through the ear canal to the eardrum and the inner ear, stimulating the auditory nerve.

what to know about hearing aids
Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

Which hearing aid is best?

There is no one best hearing aid. Instead, the “best” hearing aid will depend on various factors, including your preferences, type, degree of hearing loss, and technology preferences. The list of factors is too long to go into here, but your audiologist will be able to provide more specific input on the right hearing aid for your needs.

In general, the top 6 hearing aid manufacturers offer excellent digital hearing aids in various hearing aid styles. These manufacturers include Oticon, Phonak, GN Resound, Signia, Widex, and Starkey. The hearing aid company’s reputation is one factor to consider. Each of these has a reputation for high-quality devices for the hearing aid user.

How will I hear background noise?

Background noise is challenging. For those with inner ear hearing loss, called sensorineural hearing loss, the additional volume does not always provide speech clarity. Unfortunately, while hearing aids will undoubtedly help in most situations, you will still hear background noise because no hearing aid can completely erase background noise.

Hearing will always be best in quiet, particularly for those with moderately severe hearing loss or severe hearing loss. Hearing technology is great and can help you hear better, but it is essential to have realistic expectations when listening in background noise or challenging environments.

background noise
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Digital Hearing Aids

Nowadays essentially all new hearing aid technology is digital. Compared to hearing aids from previous decades, digital hearing technology is able to enhance speech signals and make decisions about what sounds to enhance and which to reduce (i.e. speech versus noise).

Do I need one or two hearing aids?

Most people hear about the same in both ears. You’ll need both hearing aids in order to hear your best. However, suppose you have a difference in your hearing, with one ear better than the other: it is essential to be evaluated by a professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

If your hearing is the same in both ears, you’ll want to wear two hearing devices. One hearing aid or a CROS hearing system is an excellent option for those with single-sided deafness (SSD) or asymmetric hearing loss.

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Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

What about other hearing aid technology?

There are various hearing solutions ranging from implantable hearing aids to cochlear implants to a bone anchored hearing aid to even a middle ear implant. Most of these options also require surgery and are different than wearing hearing aids in the ear canal. An audiologist is the best hearing health professional to discuss and recommend the most appropriate option for your hearing loss.

What about OTC hearing aids?

OTC hearing aids are a new addition to the hearing aid options on the market. In the past, only amplifiers could be purchased from a store like Walmart or a local pharmacy. An amplifier is not a hearing aid, and these devices were initially intended for those with normal hearing who wanted to be able to do bird watching or other similar activities. Following the recent FDA ruling, these new devices are hearing aids that users can self-fit to the right volume they need. However, anyone under the age of 18, with a sudden hearing loss, or a difference in hearing between their ears needs to see a professional for hearing healthcare.

Who can consider OTC hearing aids as an option?

If you have mild to moderate hearing loss and are comfortable using a Smartphone, OTC hearing aids are an affordable option for your hearing healthcare. For those with narrow or unusual ear canals, it is best to see a hearing care professional for a custom receiver or ear piece. If you’re not sure about whether to get OTC hearing aids or prescription hearing aids, you’ll want to speak with an audiologist before to help you make the right choice.

New hearing aid users will take time to adjust to the sound of wearing hearing aids. For example, it takes time to adjust to the amplified sound coming through the hearing aid as well as the hearing aid user’s voice, which will sound different at first. For best results you’ll want to wear your hearing aid regularly. This will be the case whether you choose OTC devices or traditional prescription hearing aids. Make sure you know your options as well as who you can reach out to for help or support in addition to knowing the return policies.

Eargo – a Direct to Consumer Option

Another option to consider is Eargo. This company offers excellent technology and a remote care option. It’s a convenient, discreet hearing technology that can make a big difference and help you hear better. You’ll also like the rechargeability and superior customer care.

hear the joy
Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

Conclusion – What to Know About Hearing Aids

If you or someone you know is struggling with hearing loss, hearing aids can help. These tiny electronic devices can make a great difference for people with hearing loss, amplifying sound to better understand speech and other noises. In this article, we briefly touched on how these devices work and how you can enjoy improved hearing; hopefully, this has given you a better understanding of how hearing aids work and what benefits they can provide!

Read more about how to clean hearing aids.

hearing aids
Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

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