Yoga for Tinnitus: How to Use Yoga in 2023

Yoga for Tinnitus

yoga for tinnitus

Do you suffer from tinnitus? If so, you know how frustrating and debilitating chronic tinnitus can be. I’m Dr. Amy, a Doctor of Audiology and expert on hearing loss and chronic tinnitus treatment. The effects of chronic tinnitus can be magnified with life stress, resulting in a low quality of life. I’ve worked with many patients who experience this. Fortunately, some treatments and strategies can help lessen the symptoms. Have you heard of yoga for tinnitus treatment? In this article, we will discuss how yoga can provide tinnitus relief.

Yoga is a great way to help reduce the symptoms of chronic subjective tinnitus. It can help to relax the mind and body, which can, in turn, help to lessen the effect of chronic subjective tinnitus or ringing in the ears. Yoga is also beneficial for overall health and well-being. When you practice yoga, you are helping to increase flexibility and strength and reduce life stress. All of these things can help relieve tinnitus symptoms with yoga training.

Are you struggling to manage your tinnitus or tinnitus treatment options? Let’s talk about what can help.

What causes tinnitus symptoms?

On its own, tinnitus is a symptom and not an illness. Tinnitus is the perception of phantom sound, and people report that they hear sounds, such as ringing, buzzing, humming, chirping, or crickets. An underlying cause can contribute to tinnitus or how prominent you perceive it. For example, wax in the ear or middle ear conditions can exacerbate any underlying tinnitus. Here are some additional causes for tinnitus:

  • TMJ or joint disorders
  •  loud noise exposure
  •  cardiac ailments
  •  ear infections

Note: please consult your physician if your tinnitus is accompanied by other symptoms, such as changes in hearing, dizziness or imbalance, or other symptoms (e.g., low mood, fatigue, or other symptoms).


Do you hear noises in your ear? 50 million Americans experience tinnitus. #tinnitus #hearingloss Read more on my blog:

♬ original sound – Dr. Amy

What the Research Says About Yoga and Tinnitus

Some research supports the use of yoga as a treatment for tinnitus and symptomatic relief. For example, researchers reported from a study done in 2018 that yoga could help reduce tinnitus symptoms. The study found that after eight weeks of yoga, participants significantly reduced the severity of their symptoms. They also had statistically significant differences in anxiety and depression. Therefore, yoga training is a great way to reduce life stress.

Another study done in 2014 found that regular yoga practice can help to improve the quality of life for those suffering from tinnitus. According to the study, after 12 weeks of yoga, participants had a significant reduction in symptoms and a significant improvement in their quality of life. They also had a decrease in anxiety and depression.

So, yoga may be an excellent option if you are suffering from tinnitus. It can help reduce the everyday impact of tinnitus and improve your quality of life. If you want to try yoga, many resources are available to help you get started. In addition, many studios offer classes specifically for those suffering from tinnitus. So, if you are looking for tinnitus treatment options, try yoga poses and see how it can help you reduce chronic tinnitus symptoms.

35 Tips for Tinnitus Relief

Some Example Yoga Poses for Tinnitus

A few different yoga poses can benefit those suffering from tinnitus symptoms. Many think tinnitus is in the ear, affecting the auditory system, or in the head. However, full-body exercises increase blood flow and help relax a stiff neck and upper body. In addition, relaxation and movement can help those parts of the body that are especially tense. While many different poses can be beneficial for overall well-being, we’ll focus on a few poses you can try, for example, triangle pose, cow face pose, and others.

Please note that you should consult your physician before beginning a new exercise routine. If any physical activity causes pain or discomfort, discontinue immediately. Additionally, yoga is an excellent activity for overall health and wellness, but there is no known cure for tinnitus. However, yoga is one helpful management strategy. 

Poses to Try

  • Lion pose
  • Cobra pose
  • Cow face pose

The lion pose is a great one. To do this pose:

  1. With knees bent, sit on your heels with your hands on your thighs.
  2. Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out.
  3. Inhale deeply and exhale with a forceful “ha” sound.
  4. Repeat this several times.

This pose is beneficial for relieving stress and tension, which can help reduce tinnitus symptoms.

The cobra pose is also beneficial for tinnitus. To do this pose:

  1. Rest on your stomach with your feet hip-width apart and your hands at your sides.
  2. Lift your chest off the ground while pressing into your palms.
  3. Stay in this position and take a few breaths before releasing and repeating.

This pose is good for increasing blood flow and relaxing the muscles in the neck and shoulders.

Last, the cow face pose is a great one for tinnitus. To do this pose:

  1. Sit with your legs extended out in front of you.
  2. Now gently pull your right knee up toward your chest.
  3. Take your right hand and reach behind your back to grab your left foot.
  4. Now repeat the same action with your left hand and right foot.
  5. Take a few breaths here before releasing and repeating.

This pose is beneficial for increasing blood flow and relaxing the muscles in the neck and shoulders.

The benefits of yoga exercises are numerous and can help reduce tinnitus symptoms. It can help to relax the mind and body, which can, in turn, help to lessen the ringing in the ears—the primary effects of yoga practice are also beneficial to overall health and well-being. When you practice yoga, you are helping to increase blood flow and improve circulation. This can help to reduce the symptoms of tinnitus. If you are suffering from tinnitus, try yoga and see how it can help you.

Why can yoga help chronic tinnitus?

While there currently is no cure for tinnitus, tinnitus treatments can make a big difference and provide relief for those who experience it. Reduced stress helps patients suffering from chronic subjective tinnitus, according to recent research. Several mechanisms may also benefit, depending on the underlying cause of tinnitus. Let’s look at a few reasons.

Reasons why yoga helps manage tinnitus:

  • improving blood circulation
  • relaxing muscle tension (e.g., hip muscles or neck or jaw muscles)
  • whole body relaxation
  • improve concentration

These are just a few examples of how practicing yoga can help.

Is there such a thing as tinnitus yoga?

While there is no targeted approach for tinnitus treatment, the holistic approach to wellness with body exercises can help with symptom management. For example, incorporating yoga training with moves such as, triangle pose, fish pose, or cobra pose can help improve well-being. In addition, combining yoga sessions with other methods helps with more complex cases of subjective tinnitus.

Phonak Lyric offers 24/7 tinnitus support

Getting Started with Yoga for Tinnitus

If you are a newcomer to yoga, there are a few options to get started. First, try yoga practice in your own home. There are many great resources online for routines or poses to try. Yoga classes are also an excellent option for those who prefer a group setting.

Selecting the right gear for your yoga class or home practice. Yoga mats are available online or in a variety of sporting goods stores. Other accessories, such as yoga mat bags and holders, are also available.

Take a look at a great video on yoga for tinnitus:

Other Methods for Relief

For other methods of tinnitus treatment, several treatment options can help. For example, breathing exercises help to center your focus and calm your nervous system. In addition, cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective option that positively affects tinnitus scores as measured on the tinnitus functional index.

Sound therapy or hearing aids can also help, particularly for those with hearing loss. This option has good potential to make significant differences in the daily functioning of patients.

Do you suffer from tinnitus? Let’s talk about management strategies that can help.

Thanks for visiting our site! We hope you’ve enjoyed this post on how to use yoga training for tinnitus treatment options. Have you tried triangle pose, cobra pose, or fish pose before?

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